Friday, January 27, 2006

Slipstreaming Windows CD under Linux

required tools: mkisofs, cdrecord, dd, mount, lcab, text editor
optionally: hex viewer, hex->dec converter

1. Create an image of Windows CD.

# dd if=/dev/dvd of=win_xp.iso bs=2048 conv=noerror,notrunc

2. Extract files from the image.

# sudo mount -o loop win_xp.iso /mnt
# cp -a /mnt win_xp_slipstream
# chmod -R +w win_xp_slipstream
# sudo umount /mnt

3. Extract the CD boot image and add it to the root of Windows directory. The value of the 'skip' parameter needs to be found. More info below.

# dd if=win_xp.iso of=boot.img bs=2048 count=1 skip=375
# mv boot.img win_xp_slipstream/

4. Add your RAID driver files in $OEM$/$1/drivers/

# mkdir -p 'win_xp_slipstream/$OEM$/$1/drivers/sii680r'
# unzip -j -d 'win_xp_slipstream/$OEM$/$1/drivers/sii680r'

5. Create a .cab archive of the RAID driver's .sys file in the i386 directory.

# cp 'win_xp_slipstream/$OEM$/$1/drivers/sii680r/pnp680r.sys' win_xp_slipstream/i386/
# lcab win_xp_slipstream/i386/pnp680r.sys win_xp_slipstream/i386/pnp680r.sy_
# rm win_xp_slipstream/i386/pnp680r.sys

6. Get the RAID driver ID info.

# cat 'win_xp_slipstream/$OEM$/$1/drivers/sii680r/txtsetup.oem' | grep 'PCI\\VEN'

id = "PCI\VEN_1095&DEV_0680&SUBSYS_36801095", "PnP680r"


7. Add the RAID driver info to the bottom of txtsetup.sif before the last EOF. You'll need the .sys file name, "PCI\VEN" string, device ID and name.

# vi win_xp_slipstream/i386/txtsetup.sif

pnp680r.sys = 1,,,,,,3_,4,1

PCI\VEN_1095&DEV_0680&SUBSYS_36801095 = "PnP680r"

PnP680r = pnp680r.sys,4

PnP680r = "Silicon Image Ultra-133 Medley ATA RAID Controller"


8. Create a winnt.sif file and add the info below with the right driver path.

# vi win_xp_slipstream/i386/winnt.sif




9. Re-create the CD image, now with the included driver.

# mkisofs -v -volid "XP_RAID" -d -D -l -N -relaxed-filenames -no-iso-translate -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -b boot.img -c -hide boot.img -hide -J -hide-joliet boot.img -hide-joliet -o win_xp_slipstream.iso win_xp_slipstream

10. Finally, write the image to a CD.

# sudo cdrecord -v -sao win_xp_slipstream.iso


Finding the CD boot image

I. The quick and easy way.

1a. Dump ISO info from CD.

# isoinfo -d

Eltorito defaultboot header:
Bootid 88 (bootable)
Boot media 0 (No Emulation Boot)
Load segment 0
Sys type 0
Nsect 4
Bootoff 177 375


1b. Alternatively, dump ISO info from the image file.

# isoinfo -d -i win_xp.iso

2a. Extract the boot image from CD. Use the second value from the "Bootoff" line in the 'skip' parameter.

# dd if=/dev/dvd of=boot.img bs=2048 count=1 skip=375

2b. Same as above but from an ISO image.

# dd if=win_xp.iso of=boot.img bs=2048 count=1 skip=375

II. The real hacker's way ;)

1a. Dump a chunk of the CD to a file. Increase 'count=' to 2000 or more if the boot image is not found at first.

# dd if=/dev/dvd of=dump.img bs=2048 count=500

1b. Alternatively, dump data from an ISO image.

# dd if=os_image.iso of=dump.img bs=2048 count=500

2a. Look for the boot image string. Note the starting address in hex. If there are multiple matches, start with the first and complete all steps. If the CD doesn't boot, try the second matching address, and so on.

# xxd dump.img | grep '007c fb8c'

2b. Alternate method using 'hexdump' and visual examination. Look for a string "fa33 c08e d0bc 007c fb8c".

# hexdump -C dump.img | less

---8<--- 00bb800: fa33 c08e d0bc 007c fb8c c88e d852 e800 .3.....|.....R..
00bb810: 005e 81ee 1100 7412 81fe 007c 7575 8cc8 .^....t....|uu..
00bb820: 3d00 0075 7fea 3700 c007 c606 ae01 3390 =..u..7.......3.
00bb830: 8cc8 3dc0 0775 7e8c c88e d8c6 06ae 0134 ..=..u~........4
00bb840: 9080 fa80 726f c606 ae01 3590 bbfe 078b
00bb850: 073d 55aa 755f 5a88 1699 0468 8a04 6a0b .=U.u_Z....h..j.
00bb860: 6800 20e8 7603 0f82 0f00 601e 068a 1699 h. .v.....`.....
00bb870: 049a 0000 0020 071f 6168 7e04 6a0c 6800 ..... ..ah~.j.h.


3. Convert the address from hex to decimal.

# echo $((16#bb800))

4a. Finally, extract the boot image from CD. Note the 'skip' parameter!

# dd if=/dev/dvd of=boot.img bs=1 count=2048 skip=768000

4b. Same as above but from an ISO image.

# dd if=os_image.iso of=boot.img bs=1 count=2048 skip=768000

4c. Alternatively, calculate and use LBA to make things look pretty. 0xbb800 = 768,000 -> 768,000 / 2,048 = 375 (R/LBA)

# dd if=os_image.iso of=boot.img bs=2048 count=1 skip=375

Another example: Windows 2000 CD.

---8<--- 000a000: fa33 c08e d0bc 007c fb8c c88e d852 e800 .3.....|.....R..

0xa000 = 40,960 -> 40,960 / 2,048 = 20 (R/LBA)

# dd if=/dev/dvd of=boot.img bs=2k count=1 skip=20

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

X performace tweak

- set higher process priority for Xorg binary

# sudo vi /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config


Monday, January 23, 2006

aptitude - purge old config files

- purge config files belonging to packages which were removed

# dpkg -l | grep '^rc\b' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs sudo aptitude purge